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Q&A:Which corona patients should live in home isolation? Does the pneumonia vaccine protect against corona? Learn the answer from Expert

Q&A:Which corona patients should live in home isolation? Does the pneumonia vaccine protect against corona? Learn the answer from Expert

According to expert advice, it is advisable to stay in isolation only if there are facilities like separate room, pulse oximeter, thermometer.
The pneumonia vaccine eliminates infections, including pneumococcal lung infections
CV scan should be done only after consulting a doctor

Does the pneumonia vaccine protect against corona, what kind of patients should be in home isolation, can the virus be transmitted to another person by coughing while wearing a mask? To answer many such questions, we approached Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, Senior General Physician, New Delhi. a. That. Conversed with Varshney. Learn from the expert how to be cautious in the midst of another wave of corona.

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Is a CT scan necessary to find out how much infection there is in the lungs after a coronary infection?
If the RT-PCR report is positive and the oxygen level decreases, do not do a CT scan automatically. Go to the doctor and treat as he says. If the fever does not go down, some blood tests have to be done.

If RT PCR is negative, covid symptoms are present and oxygen level is low then there is a risk of pneumonia. Then the doctors do a CT scan. CT scans can be used to determine the level of pneumonia in the lungs. In a CT scan, both lungs are divided into 25 parts. It is possible to know how many of them are affected.

Which patients should stay in home isolation?
Corona causes upper respiratory infections in 90% of patients with symptoms such as fever, body aches, sore throat, loss of taste or odor. Such a person can stay at home for 10 to 15 days and recover. But stay in isolation only if the house has facilities like separate room, pulse oximeter, thermometer. People who have diabetes, heart disease can stay in constant isolation and stay in home isolation.


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Does the pneumonia vaccine fight the corona virus?
Lung infections can have many causes, called pneumonia. Lung infections can also be caused by pneumococcal and influenza in the elderly, CPOD, asthma, and people with diabetes.


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Pneumococcal and influenza vaccines are given to prevent it. This vaccine protects against lung infections. A separate vaccine is available for corona. The same vaccine is the remedy against corona.

Can a person transmit a virus after isolation is complete?
If an infected person has mild symptoms or no symptoms, the risk of infection is reduced from 3 to 6 days in 10 days of isolation. The virus can spread if you are taking medication or have symptoms such as a cough or fever in between. Isolation should therefore be completed. Stay in isolation until the report is negative. There is no risk of infection once the report is negative.

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Wearing a mask If a person coughs, can the virus spread?
It all depends on what kind of mask the person is wearing. 95% protection if N-95 mask is available. Then comes the surgical mask. People do not wear these masks properly. If it is applied in such a way that air does not escape, it proves to be safe.

Cotton masks provide protection up to 50%. A double mask is being advised in Teva. If you have to go out of the house, first wear a surgical mask and then a cotton mask. A double mask is not required if wearing an N-95 mask.

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