If you have a mind, answer the riddle below. Share this message with your friends and ask for an answer.
Hello friends, today we have come up with some fun and information for you to know and learn and below is all the information given below. Step by step information is given below.
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Although there are many ways to avoid the people of vain, by walking on the truth, the vain is automatically released and attains the best.
❤️ + 🏀 + 💡 = 4
❤️ + 2 (🏀) + 4 (💡) = 12
2(❤️)- 3 (🏀) - 💡 = 4
❤️ - 2 (🏀) ×💡=___ ?
Answer :
x + y + z = 4
x + 2y + 4z = 12
2x - 3y - z = 4
❤️ = x = 2
🏀 = y = -1
💡 = z = 3
result => 2 - 2 x (-1) x 3 => 2 + 2 x 3 => 2 + 6 => 8
Final answer: 8
Creation takes place on the path of truth. Only by walking on the path of truth is the welfare of the soul. May not get power from the truth, but Sachinanand is definitely available.
Later on, when this soul enters Brahmarandhra, everything becomes trivial, and this soul gets great light, and enlightenment comes and becomes one who knows the great creation of God.
After this, when the horoscope delights in the base, then the outline of the soul becomes very subtle, and due to becoming subtle, there is what is called the spine, whose yogis have given its outline decision, nature there. The circle, the circle of the mind, the circle of the Brahm, and the great, are the circle of all these tantramatras.
If you have a mind, answer the riddle below. Share this message with your friends and ask for an answer.
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