Gandhinagar: Celebrations of Holi have been banned amid a spike in cases of corona virus across the state. On Sunday, state Deputy CM Nitin Patel said that the state could be lit for the Holi puja ritual but public or small Rangotsav programs would not be allowed. Dhuleti celebrations have also been banned in the state. Corona has raised a number of restrictions over the past several days.
Disclosing this, Nitin Patel said, "Religiously, a limited number of people can gather for Holi burning, but no concessions have been given for playing Holi." Normal circumstances will be monitored and action will be taken as required. But I hope and believe that all the citizens of Gujarat, young men and women, brothers and sisters are aware. They will follow public guidelines by the state government to prevent the spread of corona infection. They will not celebrate Holi and will not even gather for the festival. '
The transition is constantly increasing in Gujarat
According to figures released by the health department, a total of 1,565 cases of corona have been reported in the state in the last 24 hours till Saturday evening, against which 969 patients have recovered in the state in 24 hours. So far a total of 969 patients in the state have been able to defeat the corona in the corona epidemic. So the recovery rate of the state has also reached 96.08%.
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A total of 6737 active cases
Of the new cases registered in Gujarat on Saturday, 406 were in Ahmedabad and 487 in Surat, while 151 were in Vadodara and 152 in Rajkot. While 69 patients out of a total of 6737 active cases in the state have been kept on ventilator support. While 6668 is stable. In 24 hours, 2 deaths were reported in Ahmedabad Corporation, 2 deaths in Surat Corporation, 1-1 deaths in Rajkot and Vadodara Corporations and now the total death toll in the state has reached 4443.