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How To Score more than 90 percentage in class 10 of sbsc exam

CBSE Class 10:  Tips how  to score more than 90 percent in class 10

How To Score more than 90 percentage in class 10 of sbsc exam

Read all the necessary topics given in CBSE's Students NCERT book. Students must check the entire book once and check that no topic has been missed.

Special things

10th exams are underway.

Vocational paper till 27 February.

Starting from March 2, the subjects of master (core) will start.

 CBSE Class 10 exams are underway.

Vocational paper is to be done by February 27, after which the main (Core) subject paper will start from March 2. The 10th examination (CBSE Examination) is taking place from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Many times students do not even get good numbers after the preparation. Many students make mistakes at the time of the Board Examination due to pressure. In such a situation, students should prepare for the exam without pressure. Do not put negative thoughts in your mind. Never say I can not. This will engage you more than stress. Always say "I can and I will" that means 'I can and will do'. Always talk positive things. You should have this positive mantra every time you sit and sleep, wake up. Core papers will begin on March 2, in which students should focus on their revision. Today we are offering you the CBSE Exam Tips for preparing core papers. By following these tips, you can get more than 90 percent of the number.

1. Create a time table that can be broken
We make time tables, but they can not fail to make them fall often. Students can add some activity to study in the time table. Create a time table in which the subject and topic at which time to read. Take 1 hour after each study and take a break. Then read 2 hours continuously and then tighten your mind by playing or exercising.

2. Read important topics from the NCERT book
Core papers are nearby, so read all the necessary topics in the NCERT book. Most of the students will have read the topics given in the book of NCERT, but most of the time, check the entire book once and check that no topic has been missed. After this, all the tops will be reviewed.

3. Think of Keeping Regarding Every Day
While preparing for the exam (CBSE Exam), please be sure to note the revision. Try that you can take maximum time to get rid of what is read.

4. See Papers of the Past Years
Students are often dependent on books or notes while preparing for the exam, while it is necessary to prepare for a better way that you Support the past few years papers. By doing this, you will understand the topics and questions that will be asked in the examination. This will prove to be very helpful for your preparation

5. Get help with sample paper
Sanmpar Paper proves to be the most helpful for preparing for the exam. Solve 1-2 sample paper every day. Solving the sample paper will make your preparation test. You will also understand the pattern of the paper.

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