The accident occurred when the brakes of the container failed
The whole incident is captured on camera mounted in the front truck

The couple and their 4-year-old son were killed in a tragic accident on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway. Each of these people was riding in a car.
This phenomenon can distract you. In this video, an uncontrollable container picks up the car first and then the truck moving ahead of it. The accident caused a traffic jam on the expressway for about 2 hours.
The tragedy happened between Khopoli Exit and Food Mall on Thursday, but the video has now surfaced. According to police, the team arrived at the scene based on the information they received. The fire in the vehicle was brought under control. After about 2 hours of tireless effort the vehicle was cut with a cutter.
The bodies of Jacquin Chautiyar, his wife Louisa Chautiyar and son Dariel Chautiyar were later exhumed. The three were going from Pune to Mumbai Naigaon.

The family disintegrated in the accident.
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— Shivam Sharma (@ShivamDec25) July 3, 2021
4 рд▓ोрдЧो рдХी рдоौрдд।
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#Mumbai_Pune_Expressway #Accident
Since the accident was brake failure caused
the crash kantenaracalakane was injured as serious. He has since been treated at a private hospital. The investigation revealed that the accident happened due to brake failure of the container. The tragedy was captured on a camera mounted on a track.
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