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Video of building collapse in US:99 people trapped in rubble of 40-year-old building in Miami

The tragedy is due to the lack of repairs in the building
The accident will be investigated after the rescue

Two towers of a 40-year-old building in Miami, USA, suddenly collapsed on Thursday morning. A video of the whole incident has come to light. 

The building was 40 years old. One person has lost his life in the incident and 99 people are still missing. The rescue team is enlisting the help of Sonar Technique and Dog Squad to find the missing.

US President Joe Biden has declared a state of emergency here. Rescue teams have begun digging a paradise in the underground parking lot below the building called Camplan Tower to find survivors in the incident Camplan Tower.

Miami-Dade Police Director Freddie Ramirez said his team is working on rescue and search mode. The team has worked all night and is constantly trying. There are some noises coming from the debris. So far 35 people have been rescued.

The twin towers of the 40-year-old building collapsed in a matter of seconds.

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"I've been living in this building for 3 years," said Barry Cohen, who survived the crash . Barry and his wife rushed out of the building at the time of the collapse, but nothing was left of the building. Only debris and dust were falling from the roof. We got trapped in our balcony, we were rescued by a firefighter. He said the rescue took 20 minutes, although we felt our lives would not be spared.

Family members of those missing in the crash rushed to the scene.

The wife of 50-year-old Santo Magel also survived the crash. He said my wife, who works as a caretaker in this tower, called me and woke me up. The wife said she heard a very loud noise. It felt like an earthquake. “I lived nearby,” Santo said. I immediately ran to see her. His wife then called again and said rescue workers were taking him down from the building.

Built in 1980, the
12-story building is located in Miami, Florida. Its name is Champlain Towers. It has become in front of the sea. The building was constructed in 1980. Officials present at the scene say the building needed a second repair, which could not be done. This tragedy has happened due to negligence. However the accident will be investigated after the rescue.

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