Many videos often go viral on social media. There will be many videos that you will be scared to watch, but there are some videos that will win our hearts. Then some videos are funny. While many videos are inspirational or instructive. That's when a funny video went viral on social media. You will laugh out loud after watching this video.
Marriage is the most important event of any person's life. This day marks the beginning of a new relationship. There is also a special occasion for wedding relatives when everyone is very happy. Then during the wedding, the groom climbs on his friend's shoulder and then falls down.
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This funny video was shared by a user named Instagram account official_niranjanm87. In the video, the groom's life is seen escaping. Relatives are also dancing in this life. The groom's friend then lifts them up on their shoulders. The children around are dancing loudly.
Then suddenly the groom is knocked down to the ground from his friend's shoulder. At the same time his friend also falls to the ground. People in the vicinity rush to pick up the groom.
After watching the video, people are expressing grief about the groom. The groom in particular should keep in mind that the wedding is a special occasion for him. Such negligence should not be shown then.
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