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In just a few hours, a 10-story building was erected, and luxurious apartments were ready in no time.


In Changsha, China, a company called Broad Group erected a 10-story building in 28 hours and 45 minutes.

In Changsha, China, a company called Broad Group erected a 10-story building in 28 hours and 45 minutes.
The company has shown the whole process of building in a video of 4 minutes 52 seconds

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It usually takes months or years to build the tallest building. But a Chinese company planned to build a 10 storey building but it took so little time that you would be surprised to hear. The building was completed in just 28 hours and 45 minutes.

In Changsha, China, a company called Broad Group has erected a 10-storey building in 28 hours and 45 minutes. Broad Group is a Chinese enterprise that has worked in various fields. The group has recently constructed a 10-storey residential building in 28 hours and 45 minutes.

This construction, which was completed in such a short time, has caused a stir on the internet. People were shocked to see the video and picture of the building. The only question in mind was what was the secret behind such rapid construction?

Pre-fabricated construction system technology used
In fact pre-fabricated construction system technology has been used to erect this building. The internal building is constructed by assembling self-contained modular units, which have already been fabricated in the factory.

Containers from the building already prepared in the factory were brought to the construction site. The entire building was finished by placing the containers on top of each other and bolting them together. The latter was connected to electricity and water.

Broad Group
succeeds in building a 10-storey building Broad Group succeeds in building a 10-storey building in 28 hours and 35 minutes in Changsha, China, according to CNN. A short video of the building has been prepared and the technique is being discussed. In a 4 minute 52 second video the company shows the whole process of building the whole building. The caption of the video reads, 'Standard container size, low-cost transportation worldwide. Extremely simple onsite installation '

One group in the video also says that the installation of this building was quite simple, just fit the container with bolts and connect the water and electricity.

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