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Gujarat has the highest number of villages with a population of more than 300 in the residential area with the provision of Std: 1 to 1 primary schools with 6.03%. In the area up to 1 km from such residential area, the percentage of villages with standard: 1 to 4 primary school facilities is 98.32%.


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In the field of Higher Primary Education (Standard: 5 to 7 Primary Education) Gujarat 0 94.48% of the population of Gujarat has been provided the facility of primary schools having Std: 5 to 7 within a distance of 5 km from the residential area. Gujarat ranks second only to Delhi among all the states of India (except Union Territories) in providing schools up to standard seven.

શિક્ષણ બોર્ડનો નિર્ણય:ગુજરાતના ધોરણ 10 અને 12ના રિપીટર વિદ્યાર્થીઓની પરીક્ષા 15 જુલાઈથી યોજાશે  ગુજરાતી માં ન્યૂઝ વાંચો 

There are 16,662 villages in Gujarat with a population of 500 or more. Out of which 92.30% of the villages have been provided with the facility of primary schools consisting of standard: 5 to 7 in an area up to 3 km from the residential area. In the field of pre-primary education, Gujarat has a total of 19,672 kindergarten-anganwadi institutes for imparting pre-primary education in Gujarat, out of which 2,247 kindergarten anganwadis are located in rural areas.

also read ➡️Post Officeની આ સ્કીમમાં જમા કરો ફક્ત 95 રૂપિયા અને મેળવો આટલા લાખની મોટી રકમ,જાણી લો પ્લાન..👇👇Parental 


ધોરણ-૧૦ અને ધોરણ-૧૨ના વિજ્ઞાન પ્રવાહ અને સામાન્ય પ્રવાહના રીપીટર, ખાનગી અને પૃથ્થક ઉમેદવારોની પરીક્ષા યોજવા બાબત

Apart from this, another 1404 institutions providing pre-primary education in Gujarat run pre-primary department and primary department together. A total of 14,52,361 children are receiving pre-primary education in Gujarat. In which Gujarat ranks second in all of India. Children getting primary education in Gujarat: According to the 6th All India Educational Survey, 78.82% of the children enrolled in the first standard in Gujarat get education up to the fourth standard, while 10.32% o.f the children get up to the seventh standard

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