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Avoid major accidents:The Bengaluru-Ahmedabad flight was hit by a bird hit, killing 150 passengers

Avoid major accidents:The Bengaluru-Ahmedabad flight was hit by a bird hit, killing 150 passengers

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Just as the Go Air flight was landing, a sudden explosion was heard

The first incident of bird hit at Ahmedabad airport was recorded on Friday just before the onset of monsoon. Goer's flight G8 801 from Bengaluru to Ahmedabad was hit by a bird hit while landing. The pilot immediately informed the ATC and about 150 passengers made a safe landing of the flight. On the other hand, other flights were operating at Ahmedabad airport during the incident.


Chhattisgarh:The woman was shown to the doctor with sudden and excruciating pain in her ear.

According to airport sources, GoAir's flight G8 801 left Bengaluru at 5.50 am with about 150 passengers on board. The flight reached Ahmedabad airport at around 7.50 am. The pilot informed the passengers that there was a bird hit with the flight which was heard with a sudden explosion while the flight was landing. The incident was also reported to ATC officials. The pilot, on the other hand, made a safe landing with ATC approval after circling the airport. After the flight landed, the airline's engineers inspected the entire aircraft. He allowed the flight operation if the engine did not appear to be further damaged. As a result, G8 720 flight with more than 100 passengers left Ahmedabad for Delhi at 8.45 am with a delay of about 1 hour.

Read in Gujarati news 

many as seven aircraft parked at the Ahmedabad airport were evacuated due to heavy rains and heavy winds in Ahmedabad on Wednesday evening, forcing five of them to be grounded.

Airlines have lost crores of rupees due to damage to aircraft caused by strong winds. On the other hand, after the aircraft was grounded, the airlines did not disrupt their operations by ordering their reserve aircraft.

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