In the last 24 hours, more than 3.5 lakh cases have been reported in the country. This figure is higher than the number of cases received in a single day in about 50 countries. Members of the Covid Task Force have demanded a complete lockdown in the country to break the fast-moving transition chain in the second wave. These members include AIIMS and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The central government may take a decision on the issue on Monday.
Sources told Bhaskar that both the members have been making these demands for a week. The ICMR has appealed that the peak of the second wave of corona is yet to come. The organization says a full two-week lockdown is necessary to break the transition chain in such a situation.
The Center
has not taken any decision on the opinion of ICMR and AIIMS. Sources said the Center may take a decision on it after May 3. It is being said that the government may announce a partial lockdown if a complete lockdown does not take place.
"The second wave may end in May, but the rules have to be followed
," said Dr Shahid Jamil Bhaskar, director and virologist at Ashoka University's Trivedi School of Biosciences. Right now we can’t say how many cases will come up. This figure could be as high as 5-6 lakh cases per day. Indeed, this figure depends on the caution taken in the matter of Kovid and his dealings.
In another wave, members of the Covid Task Force have called for a complete lockdown in the country to break the chain of transition.
The Covid Task Force demanded a two-week full lockdown in the country
The central government may take a decision on the issue on Monday
In the last 24 hours, more than 3.5 lakh cases have been reported in the country. This figure is higher than the number of cases received in a single day in about 50 countries. Members of the Covid Task Force have demanded a complete lockdown in the country to break the fast-moving transition chain in the second wave. These members include AIIMS and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The central government may take a decision on the issue on Monday.
Sources told Bhaskar that both the members have been making these demands for a week. The ICMR has appealed that the peak of the second wave of corona is yet to come. The organization says a full two-week lockdown is necessary to break the transition chain in such a situation.
The Center
has not taken any decision on the opinion of ICMR and AIIMS. Sources said the Center may take a decision on it after May 3. It is being said that the government may announce a partial lockdown if a complete lockdown does not take place.
"The second wave may end in May, but the rules have to be followed
," said Dr Shahid Jamil Bhaskar, director and virologist at Ashoka University's Trivedi School of Biosciences. Right now we can’t say how many cases will come up. This figure could be as high as 5-6 lakh cases per day. Indeed, this figure depends on the caution taken in the matter of Kovid and his dealings.
Dr. Jameel believes that if people follow the Kovid guidelines, we may be able to get out of the second wave by the end of May, but if people continue to break the rules in this way, the wave could last longer.
States have decided to impose lockdown.
Currently, there are complete lockdowns in Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana and Odisha. Mini lockdown has been implemented in Maharashtra and Punjab. Weekend loaddown is taking place in UP. A public curfew has also been imposed in Madhya Pradesh till May 7.
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