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If you also have this photo in your phone, then read this fact in particular - "Lockdown in Gujarat is just a rumor"

Corona cases have been on the rise across the country for some time now. Then the countrymen are worried about whether there will be a lockdown. At that time, even those who spread false news and pranksters do not stop harassing the public with their actions.

Also read 🏍️ āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ુ āŠĄ્āŠ°ાāŠ‡āŠĩિંāŠ— āŠēાāŠ‡āŠļāŠĻ્āŠļ āŠ•āŠĒાāŠĩો āŠ“āŠĻāŠēાāŠ‡āŠĻ

Today, a photo went viral on WhatsApp and Facebook, saying, "Emergency note, the number of covid 19 patients in the state is increasing rapidly and the government has imposed a curfew tonight, but no concrete results are expected." At present, the Home Department has decided to conduct a complete lockdown in six major cities of Gujarat from April 11 to April 17.

āŠ—ુāŠœāŠ°ાāŠĪી āŠŪાં āŠĻ્āŠŊૂāŠ āŠĩાંāŠšો 

At the same time, the names of the cities that will be locked down are also written in this paper, including Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Gandhinagar, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Surat. At the same time, the circular states that only emergency services will be started during the lockdown and permission of the district magistrate will be required for entry and entry into the city. It will be the responsibility of the SP DYSP of that city to ensure that the rules are well followed in the cities indicated during the lockdown. ”

Also read ðŸĪĢðŸ˜‚ðŸ˜ąāŠ…āŠŪેāŠ°િāŠ•ા:āŠ‰āŠŠāŠ°ા-āŠ‰āŠŠāŠ°ી āŠ•ોāŠ•āŠŸેāŠē āŠŠીāŠ§ા āŠŠāŠ›ી āŠŊુāŠĩāŠĪીāŠĻાં āŠ†āŠ—āŠģāŠĻાં āŠĶાંāŠĪ āŠŠāŠĄી āŠ—āŠŊા, āŠļોāŠķિāŠŊāŠē āŠŪીāŠĄિāŠŊા āŠŠāŠ° āŠēાāŠ–ો āŠēોāŠ•ોāŠ āŠĩીāŠĄિāŠŊો āŠœોāŠŊો

Investigating the circular, some policemen and telephone conversations with the government and the collector revealed that the circular was baseless and false. May come.

Also read ðŸ˜ąāŠļાāŠŽāŠ°āŠ•ાંāŠ ા: āŠ•ોāŠ°ોāŠĻાāŠ•ાāŠģāŠŪાં āŠŪાāŠļ્āŠ•āŠĻા āŠĶંāŠĄ āŠŪુāŠĶ્āŠĶે āŠœāŠĻāŠĪા-āŠŠોāŠēીāŠļ āŠĩāŠš્āŠšે āŠŽāŠŽાāŠē

No lockdown has been announced in Gujarat at present. The letter circulating on such letter pads is fake and circulated on social media with the aim of spreading chaos in the epidemic and creating chaos. ACS Home Pankaj Kumar is under treatment for coronary heart disease.

Also read āŠŠેāŠĻ્āŠķāŠĻ āŠļ્āŠ•ીāŠŪ:LICāŠĻી ‘āŠœીāŠĩāŠĻ āŠķાંāŠĪિ āŠŊોāŠœāŠĻા’āŠŪાં āŠŠૈāŠļાāŠĻું āŠ°ોāŠ•ાāŠĢ āŠ•āŠ°્āŠŊા āŠŽાāŠĶ āŠ†āŠœીāŠĩāŠĻ āŠĶāŠ° āŠŪāŠđિāŠĻે 8 āŠđāŠœાāŠ° āŠ°ૂāŠŠિāŠŊાāŠĻું āŠŠેāŠĻ્āŠķāŠĻ āŠŪāŠģāŠķે

A proper investigation into the matter by Trishul News made it clear that this is just a rumor. Vijay Rupani, who arrived in Rajkot this afternoon, was responding to a reporter's question on whether there would be a lockdown. "We need to be careful," he said. Also yesterday, Prime Minister Modi made it clear that there would be no lockdown. So now the chances of lockdown are very low and this circular is wrong and baseless.

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