WhatsApp is finding it difficult to force users to agree to a new policy. Users are rapidly shifting to another platform despite the clarification. This is confirmed by two figures. The Signal (24 lakh) and Telegram (16 lakh) app has been downloaded on more than 40 lakh mobiles in India since the announcement of the new policy on January 6. The Telegram also announced on Wednesday that it had crossed the 500 million download mark worldwide.
In the last 72 hours, 2.5 crore new users have downloaded Telegram in the world. The company has not yet released the number of people who have downloaded Telegram in India, but according to the CEO, the highest number of users has been in Asia at 38%.
Many big giants said goodbye to WhatsApp
According to data analytics agency Sensor Tower, 2.5 million Signal apps were downloaded in the first week of WhatsApp's announcement. In the week following the announcement of the policy, 88 lakh users have signed-in on the signal.
WhatsApp downloads have dropped 35% in the meantime, according to agencies such as Sensor Tower and Aptopia. Top executives, including the chairman of Mahindra Group and Tata Group, CEOs and staff of companies like Paytm and PhonePay have said goodbye to WhatsApp. Not only the chairmen or CEOs of big companies but also the common people are choosing new options.
Users in rural areas are also adopting telegrams
According to internet governance expert Harish Chaudhary, news is coming from all the small villages that smartphone users are shifting to telegram. Seeing the risk, Hindi-based consumers are leaving WhatsApp. This is called a crisis internally. It has spent resources on social and other media for damage control
The timing of the new policy is noteworthy. The Center is to introduce a Data Protection Bill in the budget session, which will have strict provisions in the protection of data privacy. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly.
According to cyber law expert Pawan Duggal, a major source of revenue for WhatsApp, WhatsApp may suffer the consequences. Its biggest source of revenue is user data selling. Now if its user base starts declining then its revenue and also the brand will be affected. According to mobile data and analytics platform App Annie, WhatsApp has a total of 459 million active users on Android and iOS devices.
Read in Gujarati news
According to a report by Annie, the 100 per cent active user of WhatsApp in the country , even though the download speed of WhatsApp has slowed down in India, its old users still have faith in it. India has over 95% monthly active users who use WhatsApp every day. Not only that, 100% of WhatsApp users use it at least once a week. As well as three-quarters of the total YouTube users in India are people who use it every day.
According to a report by Annie, the 100 per cent active user of WhatsApp in the country , even though the download speed of WhatsApp has slowed down in India, its old users still have faith in it. India has over 95% monthly active users who use WhatsApp every day. Not only that, 100% of WhatsApp users use it at least once a week. As well as three-quarters of the total YouTube users in India are people who use it every day.
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