Due to reshuffle of accommodation allowance, 48 lakh central workers will get more than Rs.1100 to Rs.33000 per month. The Central Cabinet on Wednesday approved the revised allowances in view of the recommendation of Seven Payrolls on Wednesday. Keep in mind that the increase in housing allowances will only benefit the people who live in private residence, that is, they have not taken the convenience of government housing.
As in the case of earlier, the change in the accommodation allowance rates will be based on the rates of dearness allowance. But the decisions of the last time could not be implemented later and the rate of accommodation allowance remained the same. One more thing, initially, the new rate of housing allowance is lower than the current rate, but the basic salary on which the allowance for assessment will be more, people will get more money. The new rate of accommodation allowance will be applicable from 1st July.
According to the cabinet decision, on the form of the new arrangement of accommodation allowance: On the level of the housing arrangement,
(In all figures per cent)
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As in the case of earlier, the change in the accommodation allowance rates will be based on the rates of dearness allowance. But the decisions of the last time could not be implemented later and the rate of accommodation allowance remained the same. One more thing, initially, the new rate of housing allowance is lower than the current rate, but the basic salary on which the allowance for assessment will be more, people will get more money. The new rate of accommodation allowance will be applicable from 1st July.
According to the cabinet decision, on the form of the new arrangement of accommodation allowance: On the level of the housing arrangement,
(In all figures per cent)
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